
Get 14 days for free

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Shortening paths, amplifying value

Save up to 20%

Personal Needs, Simplified




USD 90/year

99 short links/month

99 customizable links/month

QR codes

Basic analytics access

API integration capabilities

Mobile app accessibility

Browser extension support

Link Configuration Editing

Link Exporting

Link Expiry

Password Protection

UTM Builder

Choose Plan

Everyday Excellence, Streamlined




USD 290/year

599 short links/month

599 customizable links/month

QR codes

API integration capabilities

Mobile app accessibility

Browser extension support

Link Configuration Editing

Link Exporting

Link Expiry

Password Protection

UTM Builder

Custom Domain Integration

Bulk Link Import

Query Parameter Forwarding

Smart Targeting

In-depth Analytics

Real-time Visit Streams

Choose Plan

Scale Bigger, Dive Deeper




USD 2290/year

3999 short links/month

3999 customizable links/month

QR codes

API integration capabilities

Mobile app accessibility

Browser extension support

Link Configuration Editing

Link Exporting

Link Expiry

Password Protection

UTM Builder

Custom Domain Integration

Bulk Link Import

Query Parameter Forwarding

Smart Targeting

In-depth Analytics

Real-time Visit Streams

404 Redirect

Choose Plan

For Business Titans


10K+ short links/month

10K+ customizable links/month

QR codes

API integration capabilities

Mobile app accessibility

Browser extension support

Link Configuration Editing

Link Exporting

Link Expiry

Password Protection

UTM Builder

Custom Domain Integration

Bulk Link Import

Query Parameter Forwarding

Smart Targeting

In-depth Analytics

Real-time Visit Streams

404 Redirect

User Management

99.9% SLA uptime

Choose Plan
Pick a plan that works best for you

Streamlining URLs, optimizing experiences. Choose a plan that fits your vision.










Short links
Custom Domain Integration
Link Configuration Editing
Customizable links
Bulk Link Import
Link Exporting
Link Expiry
Password Protection
Query Parameter Forwarding
Smart Targeting
QR code
UTM Builder
Mobile App
Browser Extension
Real-time Visit Streams
404 Redirect
User Management
99.9% SLA uptime
Choose PlanChoose PlanChoose PlanChoose Plan

Let us help answer the most common questions.

The Short Link Creation feature allows users to easily shorten any long URL, making it more manageable and easier to share on various platforms.

Yes! With the Custom Domain Integration feature, you can brand your links by using your own domain, giving a professional touch to your shortened URLs.

Absolutely! Our Link Configuration Editing feature lets you modify your shortened link settings even after they've been created.

Yes, with our Bulk Link Import feature, you can upload multiple links at once for easy shortening.

We offer a Password Protection feature that enhances security by restricting access to your links with a password of your choice.

Yes! Our Smart Targeting feature lets you direct users to different destinations based on criteria such as their device, location, and more.

QR Code Generation allows you to convert your shortened links into scannable QR codes. These codes can be scanned with a smartphone to instantly redirect users to the linked page, making it useful for physical promotions or print media.

Our In-depth Analytics feature provides insights into link performance, including metrics like click-through rates and user demographics. This helps you understand your audience better and measure the success of your campaigns.

Yes! With our Browser Extension, you can instantly shorten and share links directly from your browser, saving you time and making the process more seamless.

Yes, we provide API Access which allows you to integrate and automate your link shortening processes using our robust API. This is ideal for businesses and developers looking to build custom applications or integrate our service into their workflows.

Yes, with the Personalized Short Links feature, you can customize the slug of your shortened URL for easy recall and better branding.

Our Link Expiry feature allows you to set a specific date or time for your links to expire. Once the set time is reached, the link will no longer be active.

With the Query Parameter Forwarding feature, the original URL parameters are retained even when users are redirected through your shortened link. This ensures consistency and helps in tracking.

Absolutely! Our UTM Builder lets you easily add UTM parameters to your links, helping you track their performance in various analytics tools.

Yes, we offer a Mobile App that allows you to manage and track your links on-the-go, making it convenient to monitor your links from anywhere.

Our Link Exporting feature lets you download a list of all your shortened links. This is useful for backup purposes or for further analysis.

Yes! With the Real-time Visit Streams feature, you can monitor link clicks and visits as they happen, giving you instant feedback on your links' performance.

While our Bulk Link Import feature is designed for easy and convenient uploading of multiple links, there might be a limit based on your subscription plan. Please refer to our pricing page for specific limitations.

Our Password Protection feature is designed to offer an added layer of security for your links. However, it's essential to choose strong, unique passwords and regularly update them for optimal security.